this is … the space in which I create

this is …meme, done around about a week too late?

But I couldn’t resist, and yes, that’s my new sewing machine, just unpacked, exciting!!!

And yes, more prosaically, that’s my washing because it’s been raining all week, and yes, behind there is the oshirei*, the lower part of which has become a cubby hole for the kids, doubt that’s traditional … kid’s craft on the wall, glimpse of the bed, it’s a pretty small flat, oh and the table folds up totally, it’s really nifty, from a 2nd hand store 😉

* Think that’s how it’s spelled … traditional Japanese closet for futons, anyway.

One thought on “this is … the space in which I create

  1. Ooohh New sewing machine! Lucky You!!

    Thank you for playing This Is, I’ve added your blog to our blog roll!

    Angela xx

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